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Media Properties:
Media Ref #    SH-1XQG2LW
Media Name:    Kachina Doll Hopi Indians
Author:    Bob Firth
Copyright:    Robert L Firth Jr
Hits:    404
Last Modified:    01/30/2017
Added Date:    01/30/2017
License Type:    Rights Managed
Media Type:    Image
Release Status:    No Release  
Black & White:    No
Orientation:    Vertical
Keywords Kachina doll Hopi katsina figure wood carving tithu katsintithu made by Hopi people figures carved from cottonwood root immortal messengers between humans and the spirit world Hopi people Northeastern Arizona ceremonial figure purpose to instruct young girls and new brides immortal beings that bring rain and control the natural world and society Native American art Native American Indians cultural culture tradition traditional
Copyright String copyright - Robert Lowell Firth Jr

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American Indian Regalia Men's Bustle and Circle of Life Symbolism 1497
motion , river , snow , sun

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