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Birch Bark Detail 231538
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Birch Bark Detail A230003
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Birch Bark Detail PA231535
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Birch Bark Detail PA231561
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Birch Leaves with Snow MN Landscape Arboretum 0511
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Birch Veil near Fountain City WI DSC01069
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Birch Veil WI DSC01081
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Evening Veil at Goose Island County Park WI P1502
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Fall Color MN Landscape Arboretum 4672
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Fall Maples and Birch Trees S136
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Fall Trees Mosaic MN Landscape Arboretum Chaska MN 2224
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Fall Trees near Brainerd MN P3902
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JJ Hill Bridge on the Mississippi River Mpls 7384
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Devils Tower WY at Sunrise DSC00881
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Custom Classic 3533
motion , river , snow , sun

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