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Locomotive in Motion DSC02635
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Rail Car in Motion DSC01866
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Rail Car in Motion DSC01906
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Rail Cars in Motion DSC01864
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Rail Cars in Motion DSC08747
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Rail Cars in Motion DSC09256
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Rail Cars in Winter near Alma WI DSC07685
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Railroad Cars in Winter with Motion DSC07641
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Railroad Cars in Winter with Motion DSC07642
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Railroad Oil Cars in Winter Trempealeau WI DSC05513
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Railroad Oil Cars in Winter Trempealeau WI DSC05518
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Railroad Oil Cars in Winter Trempealeau WI DSC05520
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JJ Hill Bridge on the Mississippi River Mpls 7384
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Vintage Auto Hood Ornament DSC07355
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Devils Tower WY at Sunrise DSC00881
motion , river , snow , sun

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